Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/index.php on line 18

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/define.php on line 18

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19

Deprecated: Return type of HTMLPurifier_PropertyListIterator::accept() should either be compatible with FilterIterator::accept(): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/htmlpurifier/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php on line 8356

Deprecated: Return type of HTMLPurifier_StringHash::offsetGet($index) should either be compatible with ArrayObject::offsetGet(mixed $key): mixed, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/htmlpurifier/HTMLPurifier.standalone.php on line 8474

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: Constant DO_PREFIX already defined in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19

Warning: Constant POST_PREFIX already defined in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: Constant DO_PREFIX already defined in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19

Warning: Constant POST_PREFIX already defined in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: Constant DO_PREFIX already defined in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19

Warning: Constant POST_PREFIX already defined in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: Constant DO_PREFIX already defined in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19

Warning: Constant POST_PREFIX already defined in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: Constant DO_PREFIX already defined in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 18

Warning: define(): Argument #3 ($case_insensitive) is ignored since declaration of case-insensitive constants is no longer supported in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19

Warning: Constant POST_PREFIX already defined in /home/p284346/public_html/mariarasskazova/engine/include/base.php on line 19
Мария Рассказова / Официальный сайт актрисы

Мария Рассказова

Актриса театра и кино

Театральная компания "Сюжет"
Детский хоспис "Дом с маяком"
"Невеста напрокат" - главная роль Мари
"Розыгрыш" - Вика
Ждëм всех на спектакле в этих городах:


Обо мне

Мария Рассказова родилась 24 августа 1987 года в Москве. Параллельно с обучением в общеобразовательной школе, училась в музыкальной школе по классу фортепьяно, занималась танцами и вокалом. После школы поступила в Щукинское театральное училище на курс к М.П. Семакову. Среди дипломных работ сыгранных в институте, играла Аннушку в спектакле поставленном М.Швыдкой «Дни нашей жизни» и Госпожу Журден в спектакле З.Высоковского «Мещанин во дворянстве».

В 2008 году поступила в театр «Сопричастность».

Мария снялась в документально-игровом фильме «Светлана», режиссёр И.Гедрович,который получил главный приз нью-йоркского международного фестиваля кино и телевидения в номинации документальная драма.

В настоящее время Мария активно работает в театре и снимается в кино.




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